The foundation discovered that most areas of Bunyoro sub-region children do not have a chance to access modern sporting equipment including footballs, handballs, volleyballs, netball, tennis, athletics and other forms of sports activities as one way of promoting their talents to use it as their economic activities. therefore, they usually use improvised sporting equipment for those who are able to make them while others do not have anything to play with which is limiting development of sporting culture within this sub-region. Gaken family will encourage the formulation of club and academy, also will encompass the construction of a multi-purpose sports facility (stadium) in Hoima City. The facility will be at least 1000 square meters and will include but not limited to such functions as an indoor football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, handball, and gymnastics court. The facility will also include training ground, bathrooms, changing rooms, administrative offices, a clinic, and spectator stands. Some sports equipment and furnishings will also be procured. Finally, the project will be utilized to start up the pilot Bunyoro Youth Sports League.