Gaken family has been extending hand to a girls who got pregnant during covid-19 and were dumped without care by both their parents/ guardians and their fellow teen who impregnated them could not manage care to them. Here Gaken family came in with assistance of birth essential packages, food, small financial support during birth to care stages, other category of a girl child we look after are those school dropouts but they still have a chance to attain a skill for her self-reliance. Though the assistance we give them is not enough according to their needs therefore we call upon well-wishers to extend in their helping hand with equip-ment like computers, smart phones, tailoring machines, hair dressing materials, etc or assistance of 800 US dollar to each. We want to start making out pads for them as a Gaken family so your support is much vital. Gaken family donates clothes, bedsheets and covers essential goods to widows in villages who have been seriously in such need. However, these widows their situation requires a serious attention from the helpers since they can not afford to have domestic essential needs. Therefore, we encourage well-wishers to extend your helping hand of 500 US dollar to every vulnerable widow

By giving to Gaken you are supporting our work with children in Bunyoro Sub region. Gaken relies on the generosity of people like you to change lives. We do request that if you are considering donating a large gift that you would contact us so that we can give you as much information as possible.