The Foundation started in 2017 extending charity services to the community through providing tuition/ fees for initial 450 vulnerable children, scholastic materials (282 school uniforms, 250 dozens of counter books per term, 292 pairs of bed sheets,432 pairs of socks, 322 pairs of shoes, and a school handbag for each of the pupils), textbooks, meals, 224 orphans’
double Decker beds 224 pupils’ mattresses; basic health care and psychosocial support for the 224 vulnerable children and the organization is targeting to provide assistance and orphanage home to over 80,000 beneficiaries within Bunyoro sub-region.

Gaken is doing this standing in the teaching of the bible from James :1:26 and Psalms 68:5 The foundation has continued to extend its hand to widows and elders aged above 70 years so vulnerable by providing them with clothing, some meals, and some small financial support. Also, we do aid a girl child in their education needs.